Turning instincts & insights into wisdom

Category: Authenticity

True Safety – The Tower Revisited

Emerging form the Tower

The time for hiding in the tower is over.

Today I picked a Tarot card for a message and instead of The Tower Tarot Cardreading the definitions in my two wonderful books, I looked at the card and felt and heard the message—my first psychic reading of a card! I chose The Tower card and thought to myself, “Oh, that one again!” But it was different this time. My message to all of us is as follows:

Although the card looks scary, it need not be. We have a choice. We always have a choice to take action or wait for action to take us.

Being Real – Instincts and Insights

Authenticity in nature

True power comes from being real, not from being in control.

Wholeness is not a static state of being. It is a continuous process of growing and learning. It is the journey of evolving into a greater expression of your true self and the joy that is experienced in the expression of that truth.

Fulfillment comes not from reaching a goal or arriving at an end point (death?). It comes from total immersion in the process itself. Being present for the journey, with its myriad ups and downs, is the joy of being alive. When we strive to be rather than to do or to complete, we can truly experience what it means to be a spiritual being expressing in this earthly world.

If we can remember that we are light beings given the gift of human experience—in order to know and express ourselves in unique ways—we can experience more gratitude for this gift. And if we convey that gratitude to others through our communications and actions, our surroundings will be filled with more light. This light will spread and also be reflected back on us.

The Status Quo vs. Authenticity

So, I’ve been keeping my intuitive nature on the down low for many years now. Unless I’m in the safety of a metaphysical bookstore or a reiki circle, I present myself like any normal member of society—no patchouli perfume, peasant skirts, or repeating mantras in public. I attend family gatherings and business events, and no one is the wiser.

Of course, people who really know me are aware of my spiritual interests, but the deeper pursuits, the more esoteric and far out ideas, metaphysical and cosmological belief systems and interests are reserved for the true inner circle of family and friends who share common beliefs or are at least open to them.

Most of just want to fit in, to be liked, and to feel accepted—at school, at work, in our social circles and with our family members. We want to be interesting enough to gain attention or accolades, but not so different that we don’t belong, make people uncomfortable, or are rejected. Well, I’m here to tell you that maintaining the status quo can be a lot of work. It actually came very naturally to me.

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