Gratitude for the Beauty of the Journey
As many of us do, for many years I grappled with living with not knowing—what will I do for my next career, what is my destiny, what is my calling, how can I do something I love and make a lot of money at the same time, what do I want to do, what do I love to do, what brings me joy, what is fulfilling to me?
It’s funny, because I actually love knowledge! I love to learn, to be enlightened, to understand, to be amazed, to investigate, to gather information, to be let in on secrets of life and more. Yet, knowing and knowledge are not one and the same. Knowing, to me, is a mind game, a human “need.” People think they need to know all sorts of things in order to be okay, safe, comfortable and happy. They want to know what will happen next, how they can control outcomes, what their roles in life should be, what they are meant to be doing, and much more.