Turning instincts & insights into wisdom

Tag: Awareness

The perspective of the driver determines the journey. Beware the warped vision of the ego.

Why Do We Let the Ego Drive?

The perspective of the driver determines the journey. Beware the warped vision of the ego.

The perspective of the driver determines the journey. Beware the warped vision of the ego.

Why Do We Let the Ego Drive?
Does It Have an Unblemished License?

Our Bodies Are Our Vehicles

The body is the vehicle we use to travel through life in this realm. Who do you want as your driver? It is your choice. Would you choose a child to drive your car? Would you choose a self-destructive, self-centered control freak to drive? Would you allow someone who has clearly steered you wrong so many times, veered off the road and caused accidents? I think not, and these are descriptions of your ego. It’s definitely not the best choice for a smooth ride, a direct path or proper navigation to your intended destination.

Choosing Power Over Fear

Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees

When the Path Ahead Is Unclear

Fear is amorphous, nebulous. It fills the space like a steam room or foggy night. Although it has no real substance, and you could walk right through it, it blocks vision, creating a false barrier to our paths. When we can’t see clearly, even if we know the way, we tend to stop in our tracks. We become uncertain and question our validity and actions. We question our right to move forward, our abilities and our own minds. The fog of fear holds no real power, yet it can hold us in place, make us to retreat or even cause us to cower and hand over our power to this seemingly real entity.

Being Real – Instincts and Insights

Authenticity in nature

True power comes from being real, not from being in control.

Wholeness is not a static state of being. It is a continuous process of growing and learning. It is the journey of evolving into a greater expression of your true self and the joy that is experienced in the expression of that truth.

Fulfillment comes not from reaching a goal or arriving at an end point (death?). It comes from total immersion in the process itself. Being present for the journey, with its myriad ups and downs, is the joy of being alive. When we strive to be rather than to do or to complete, we can truly experience what it means to be a spiritual being expressing in this earthly world.

If we can remember that we are light beings given the gift of human experience—in order to know and express ourselves in unique ways—we can experience more gratitude for this gift. And if we convey that gratitude to others through our communications and actions, our surroundings will be filled with more light. This light will spread and also be reflected back on us.

Floating vs. Authentic Flow

Floating vs. Flow

Floating may seem nice, but you may not be going anywhere.

The gift of perspective can, at first, seem like a hindrance. But when you are pulled out of a situation, even temporarily, you can see it more clearly.

While I was learning WordPress to create my new blog site, I was enjoying both the learning and the creative processes. I know I felt calmer and was enjoying the flow, but it wasn’t until that flow was interrupted that I realized how different this was for me.

Before embarking on this new journey, I was working for several months on writing an intensely complex science and business application for a consulting client. I was using many of my left-brain analytical and writing skills from my years of science and business education and experience. For some reason, which I couldn’t really put my finger on at the time, I felt drained at the end of each day.

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